1:1 Session Reviews

“If you need power in your life, look no further than Subira! She is energy personified!

In the short time I have known and worked with her, she continues to infuse me with so much drive, with her consistent encouragement, challenges to my restrictive mindsets and behaviours, and constant redirection for me to go back to my purpose, and the purpose of my mission.

She is also an incredibly safe harbour, whom I liken to a runway built for a heavily laden plane to land on. I have so often arrived at our coaching sessions burdened and tired, and in our exchanges,

I have found my burdens lifted, replenishment and refreshing. I would highly recommend Subira to anyone who needs rest for their mind, renewal of purpose.”

Isabelle Ugochukwu, Founder & CEO - Med Tech Solutions

“Subira is amazing!

I had the honor of working with her and was impressed by her guidance and support.

She challenged me to step out of my comfort zone and took the time to understand and acknowledge my hesitations.

Her ability to make daunting tasks manageable filled me with a realistic confidence that I hadn't felt before.

I am looking forward to the future of working with her and seeing the fruits of my labor.”

Bianca Smith, Chief of Staff - Finance Talent Development at Verizon

I began working with Subira at a key point in my career when I was transitioning to a new role.

My aim was to reset my career goals and to work on living in alignment with my core values in a more intentional way.

I choose to work with Subira because of her burnout expertise and her coaching experience and I was drawn to her because of her effervescent, positive energy.  

Subira was exactly the person I needed to help me regain control of my life and to value myself.

The result of working with Subira has been a positive shift in my mindset. This has given me the confidence to publish content on LinkedIn, write articles for an accounting body and accept an invitation to speak at a CFO summit.

I feel comfortable being ‘me; happy to wear a pink suit and not blend in anymore. I am also working on wellbeing improvements including yoga and embracing my creativity.

Sarah Hamilton, Group Financial Controller at Small Pharma Inc