Accountability Sessions

 Power Hours designed to get you started and back on track to achieve your goals

“If you need power in your life, look no further than Subira!

She is energy personified!”

Isabelle Ugochukwu, Founder & CEO - Med Tech Solutions

In the short time I have known and worked with her, she continues to infuse me with so much drive, with her consistent encouragement, challenges to my restrictive mindsets and behaviours, and constant redirection for me to go back to my purpose, and the purpose of my mission.

Read the rest of Isabelle’s experience here

Choose Your Accountability Package

Clients often describe their accountability sessions with Subira as a powerful, replenishing experience.

Imagine arriving at your session feeling burdened and tired, only to leave with your burdens lifted and your energy renewed.

Subira’s approach is like a safe runway for a heavily laden plane—providing the support and encouragement you need to take off again with clarity and drive.